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Showing posts from February, 2017

Audience feedback for the first draft

In this video below I gathered the cast of the music video to get their reaction and feedback to the first draft. From this I have learnt that the brightness of some shots needs adjusting. As well as: 1.  In the first 15 seconds perhaps accentuate the jump cut with the same colours you use later on 2. Some of the darker shots (Ellis – bedroom) don’t show up quite so well, try and lighten them a bit 3. Perhaps end with the red or blue filter on the final frame

The first draft

Revisiting post-production from AS

In the post-production for the AS thriller opening I created a glitch effect on After Effects using a Youtube tutorial. After taking a quick look at it again, I set to work trying to create the illusion of the band members disappearing with this glitch effect. It was quite different to use it in this context. As before I had mainly used it for the superimposed text for the titles.

Progress so far

Production: I have currently filmed what I intended to (except the classroom scene, which I decided to cut a few weeks ago). Overall I am happy with what I have to work with, however if a shot isn't working as well as I intended it to in post-production then pick up shots might be in order. Post-production: In between filming I've been editing the footage in Premiere Pro and After Effects. This has helped me to know whether I am short of footage or if certain parts need to be cut. A couple more sessions of editing, and  I should be able to show a test audience in order to get vital feedback. CD: Before filming I started to play around with a design for the digipack, especially the front cover. Currently I am still thinking about sticking to the red/blue and black/white colour scheme. In the next few weeks my aim is to start work on the insert, and try and bring everything together as a more coherent package. For the insert I am thinking about using the photos taken while fi

Filming 7/2/17

The walk to school sequence and poster shots were filmed today. The walk to school sequence was filmed just outside of the school grounds. As done previously I got everyone to do one take and then just have the protagonist in the shot. This is so that later in post-production I can make the band disappear but keep the protag on the screen at the same time