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Q4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?


Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Here's the text version of what I'm saying in the video above: Q1- music video text version from 10woodre Digipack: For the front cover I have used a combination of a photograph and digital images to create it. Front covers tend to be one media, like a painting, photograph or digital artwork. Therefore I feel like I've subverted from genre expectations. The people walking forward on the bass guitar string are red and blue to match my overall package theme. The front cover doesn't feature the band, as many indie bands tend to not feature on the front cover. Using I choose a unique font and created my band logo from that. The logo has a main colour of red but with a blue glow, helping to add to the band identity. Using these colours over and over again the digipack, website and music video creates a motif that the audience can associate with the band. Hence my album cover is conventional in some aspects. The digipack includes song lyrics, ban...


Booklet: Back Cover: (All lyrics taken from Bloc Party -Silent Alarm )

Music Video

For the best viewing, watch in a dark room

CD mockup

To see if my CD design fitted in I made a mockup and placed it with some pre-existing ones.

CD digipack draft

Using pictures from filming and ones I took separate from filming (on the front cover), I  made the first version of the digipack. Reflecting on the design I think I needed to make sure that the lyrics of 'The Pioneers' can be seen better. As well as altering the colour of the orange and cream page so that it fits in better with colour scheme of the booklet. Other details like the band members and recording location also need to be included.

Feedback from the second draft

To improve: Extend the length of the last shot Pulse the colours on the final shot Fade to black at the end Adjust the timing of the red and blue in the chorus Take out the one red/blue glitch at the beginning which is on its own

Audience feedback for the first draft

In this video below I gathered the cast of the music video to get their reaction and feedback to the first draft. From this I have learnt that the brightness of some shots needs adjusting. As well as: 1.  In the first 15 seconds perhaps accentuate the jump cut with the same colours you use later on 2. Some of the darker shots (Ellis – bedroom) don’t show up quite so well, try and lighten them a bit 3. Perhaps end with the red or blue filter on the final frame

The first draft

Revisiting post-production from AS

In the post-production for the AS thriller opening I created a glitch effect on After Effects using a Youtube tutorial. After taking a quick look at it again, I set to work trying to create the illusion of the band members disappearing with this glitch effect. It was quite different to use it in this context. As before I had mainly used it for the superimposed text for the titles.

Progress so far

Production: I have currently filmed what I intended to (except the classroom scene, which I decided to cut a few weeks ago). Overall I am happy with what I have to work with, however if a shot isn't working as well as I intended it to in post-production then pick up shots might be in order. Post-production: In between filming I've been editing the footage in Premiere Pro and After Effects. This has helped me to know whether I am short of footage or if certain parts need to be cut. A couple more sessions of editing, and  I should be able to show a test audience in order to get vital feedback. CD: Before filming I started to play around with a design for the digipack, especially the front cover. Currently I am still thinking about sticking to the red/blue and black/white colour scheme. In the next few weeks my aim is to start work on the insert, and try and bring everything together as a more coherent package. For the insert I am thinking about using the photos taken while fi...

Filming 7/2/17

The walk to school sequence and poster shots were filmed today. The walk to school sequence was filmed just outside of the school grounds. As done previously I got everyone to do one take and then just have the protagonist in the shot. This is so that later in post-production I can make the band disappear but keep the protag on the screen at the same time

Website Merch (working progress)

Using the same font style from I've started making some band merchandise for my website store. Here are two of the designs I've got so far for the t-shirts: Update: I've created additional items for the web store: CD album, LP, mugs and a phone case

Digipack ideas

Loading... Another idea:

Filming 22/1/17

Narrative shots: Now the work begins on the narrative aspect of the video. My friends kindly agreed to use their Sunday for the purpose of being in a fake band, that isn't even real in the cheers for that! Half of the day was spent at my house filming the interior shots of the protagonist unable to sleep at night. This was shot in broad daylight. The reason for this that DSLRs respond poorly to lack of light, and the picture goes all grainy. It is therefore easier to take light away in post-production than on the shoot. I'll be trying to achieve this through altering the exposure, brightness and tint (to make it slightly blue).  The second part of the day was spent in the in cold filming near a railway line, getting various walking and soulful band shots. Which is somewhat of a music video cliche. I had scheduled to film the walking to school shots today, but there wasn't enough time and daylight was fading fast, since it is winter. Consequently thi...

Filming 18/1/17

The band performance  The music video is going to be split around 50/50, one half narrative, one half performance. Using 3 cameras (two on tripods and one on a shoulder mount) we went through a range of shots from the serious artist ones to the mick take ones, both of which are commonly found in music videos. For the set I used a black curtain and dark rolls of paper. The lighting for this section was done using the lighting rig with the kind help of the two students in lower school. My intent for the shoot was to get a standard band setup, and make use of a few props like duct tape and a stool.

Filming 16/01/17

Today I filmed the shots in the dark room. Using a combination of LED lights: with one barn door light with a red gel placed over half of it to add a bit of colour, and phone lights to create a chiaroscuro lighting rig. For good measure a green screen was used to get a plain background. Filming with little light isn't ideal for DSLRs, as their sensors aren't like professional film making cameras. Here's a collection of shots from today. Using GIMP 2, a free alternative to Photoshop, I've edited the photos to match my blue/red theme by layering several of the same photo and then adjusting the cyan and red balance, opacity and position.

Twitter Account

Most bands have Twitter accounts and have links that go direct to them on their websites. Many even have a Twitter feed on their website, as it briefly updates the fan in 140 characters or less, on the latest news from the band. In addition to that tour info, pictures, and a behind the scenes look at 'band life'. Therefore I have created one so that I can embed it on the website. Extrapolate (@_xxtrapolate) | Twitter The latest Tweets from Extrapolate (@_xxtrapolate): "🔴🔵"

Website Progress

Now that I've decided on a house style for the overall package, I've started work on the website. The home page looks a little bland at the moment, but after getting all the footage from the music video shoot, I could add an animated background like Oasis' band website. Update 16/01/17: Using the photos I took in between takes today, I was able to edit some of the photos, and start a gallery for the homage. I also added in a dark grey strip to make the band name stand out more.  Update 25/1/17: I've had a bit of a re-design on the homepage of the website. From the photos taken on Sunday I was able to create an GIF that cycles through some of the edited pictures (once in red and once in blue), using this website . I've set this as the main background for the website. I've also added in the band logo and added in a news section in the lower part of the page.