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Filming 22/1/17

Narrative shots:

Now the work begins on the narrative aspect of the video. My friends kindly agreed to use their Sunday for the purpose of being in a fake band, that isn't even real in the cheers for that! Half of the day was spent at my house filming the interior shots of the protagonist unable to sleep at night. This was shot in broad daylight. The reason for this that DSLRs respond poorly to lack of light, and the picture goes all grainy. It is therefore easier to take light away in post-production than on the shoot. I'll be trying to achieve this through altering the exposure, brightness and tint (to make it slightly blue). 

The second part of the day was spent in the in cold filming near a railway line, getting various walking and soulful band shots. Which is somewhat of a music video cliche.

I had scheduled to film the walking to school shots today, but there wasn't enough time and daylight was fading fast, since it is winter. Consequently this has been re-arranged for another day and location, just outside the school grounds on the 7th February.  


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