After interviewing, and getting a focus group to fill out a short survey on what they thought about the screenplay I have written for my music videol; I have an interesting set of results. My questions for the focus group questions centered around getting the representation of the protagonist correct, and to raise awareness of mental health issues. Rather than on the contrary, creating a negative representation that would make people very uncomfortable.
Transcript from a feedback conversation I voice recorded: 'The protagonist is represnted as more neutral, as we don't get to see that much of them to see whether they are they are presented as positive or negative.' ' I think that [the protagonist] conformes pretty well to expectations, and with people that have schizotophrenia' 'The weakest part is when they wake up with the alarm clock, because that's cliche' 'The strongest part I'd say is the last part'
From the feedback I've been given I believe that I am somewhat representing this character in the way I would like them to be. I would like to represent them as a counter type to what is shown in mainstream media about people with mental health problems. There's without a doubt a trend that people affected by mental health issues are presented as violent, dangerous, evil, isolated, and unloved. I do truly feel that these are unrealistic and dramatised representations, and while these characters are written to create an 'interesting' plot they are over done. People often look at media texts for representation of themselves, and it is heartbreaking to see people struggling with mental health issues looking into the media to find a negative image. Mainstream media also has some impact on the way that society thinks about groups, and if people with mental health problem are presented as evil and dangerous that is going to have a negative effect on the way society views these people, which is very unfair. This is my main reason behind creating this story for protagonist, as I want to give a positive representation, but yet raise awareness. This is a tricky task, but its a challenge that I'm determined to get right.
Below I have made an online survey, if any of you would like to fill it out, I'd be most gratefull, thank you!
Create your own user feedback survey
Transcript from a feedback conversation I voice recorded: 'The protagonist is represnted as more neutral, as we don't get to see that much of them to see whether they are they are presented as positive or negative.' ' I think that [the protagonist] conformes pretty well to expectations, and with people that have schizotophrenia' 'The weakest part is when they wake up with the alarm clock, because that's cliche' 'The strongest part I'd say is the last part'
From the feedback I've been given I believe that I am somewhat representing this character in the way I would like them to be. I would like to represent them as a counter type to what is shown in mainstream media about people with mental health problems. There's without a doubt a trend that people affected by mental health issues are presented as violent, dangerous, evil, isolated, and unloved. I do truly feel that these are unrealistic and dramatised representations, and while these characters are written to create an 'interesting' plot they are over done. People often look at media texts for representation of themselves, and it is heartbreaking to see people struggling with mental health issues looking into the media to find a negative image. Mainstream media also has some impact on the way that society thinks about groups, and if people with mental health problem are presented as evil and dangerous that is going to have a negative effect on the way society views these people, which is very unfair. This is my main reason behind creating this story for protagonist, as I want to give a positive representation, but yet raise awareness. This is a tricky task, but its a challenge that I'm determined to get right.
Below I have made an online survey, if any of you would like to fill it out, I'd be most gratefull, thank you!
Create your own user feedback survey
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